Sourdough Bagels

Today I made sourdough bagels!

I found an article online about how to substitute a percentage of plain dough with sourdough in any dough-based recipe. I also found a recipe on how to bake New York style bagels at home using a wok containing boiling water, baking soda and honey – so I swapped out around 33% of the dough with some of my sourdough discard.

The results were great – I only made four bagels just to see how they would turn out but I wish I had made more! (there are three in the pictures below because Michelle and I shared one before they were taken!)

I was worried there may have been too much sourdough at first – but after tasting them I actually I think 33% was about right. I wouldn’t have wanted any more. The crumb was lovely and soft with a slight chew and the surface had a great texture from the egg wash. I will definitely be making these again!